#photography #photofeed

My Week In Photos

I spend a great deal of my time out in nature, creating photographs of the goings-on of nature, big and small. And while I do work full time, in my spare time might I add, I do still manage to spend hours in nature each week. This page is updated weekly and is a summary of some of the highlights from the week.

I decided to run a year long project to document my photography week by week.


It's important to note that these aren't portfolio images but instead are photos which illustrate my experiences with wildlife and nature. Past weeks can be found at the bottom, I encourage you to have a browse.

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WC 2nd December 2024

The weather has been vile this week so I've barely left the house. It's allowed me to catch up on my reading but i'm itching to get out. I managed an hour photographing Pleiades, but other than that the only other photos I took were on a hike at the weekend...during Storm Darragh's wrath!

M45 - The Pleiades

This open star cluster is one of the most famous. It is easily viewed with the naked eye and is usually the object people spot and ask "what's this!". The cluster is just 444 lightyears from Earth making it the nearest object in the Messier Catalogue. Next time the sky is clear, have a look for this cluster!


I was impressed that I managed this between the clouds, but sure enough I managed a shot! This is Saturn, one of the gas giants! As Saturn spins it's rings are angled to Earth to varying degrees, currently they are almost parallel to our view of Saturn which makes them appear as skinny slices. In a few years they will be much more visible!

Wet and Windy Walk

On Saturday (Saturn-day...bet you didn't know that?), I went for a good'ol family walk! It was dreadfully windy and wet, but on the whole a lovely walk in the Peak District!

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Created by Niall Bell (niall@niallbell.com)